Amari And The Night Brothers by B. B. Alston

Confusion. Disbelief. Shock. Are three feelings Amari felt after finding out her brother’s secret in Amari And The Night Brothers by B. B. Alston. Amari has been bullied all her life, and it only got worse when her brother mysteriously disappeared, but that all changes when Amari discovers a mysterious package in her closet. Her brother left her a message and a secret  to be uncovered, leaving her vague instructions and an address. At the address, Amari finds out the biggest surprise of her life, magic is real! In no time, Amari is off at a school that will teach her all about magic, and as soon as she gets there she makes her first friend a weredragon that couldn’t change, named Elsie. When she gets her powers she is a magician, which in the magic world is illegal, and is scrutinized for something she couldn’t control. She decides that since the Bureau had stopped their search for Quinton(her brother) she would investigate herself. Amari decides because of that to join the department of supernatural investigations and work as a special agent. During her investigations, she uncovers another magician at the Bureau, the son of a stuck up head of department Dylan van helsing. Dylan and Amari team up (Dylan’s sister disappeared with Quinton) and they pass test after test to become special agents while finding out more about quinton. Amari is soon warned by a fellow magician to not trust that which giggles and grins and after that the black book, one of the most dangerous magical objects, is stolen! Will Amari ever get accepted into the bureau of supernatural affairs?  Will she ever find out what happened to Quinton? To find out, read Amari And The Night Brothers by B. B. Alston.

If you liked Amari And The Night Brothers you might also enjoy the book Rules by Cynthia Lord. The books are similar, because both of the main characters have the same goal and that is to be accepted. In Rules, Catherine’s brother has Autism and doesn’t understand social cues and has a list of rules Catherine made. Catherine feels like she is dragged down by David (her brother) and is embarrassed by him, she feels she isn’t accepted because of him. When a new neighbor moves in she does her best to distance herself from David and seem acceptable. She just can’t seem to manage to be accepted and David keeps making her feel embarrassed. Make sure to read Amari And The Night Brothers by B. B. Alston, and aso make sure to read Rules by Cynthia Lord.

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